Debris Flow Association

Селевая ассоциация

Information of the Organizing Committee, March 30, 2024

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to inform you that detailed information about the hotels has been published on the conference websiteTherefore, we encourage you to start booking in order to choose a suitable accommodation option for yourselves. In addition, an opportunity to pay the registration fee online is available.

Best regards, Organizing Committee

Dear Colleagues,

Debris flows in mountain regions cause significant damage to the economy and often result in victims among local population. To address the challenges of debris flows and related phenomena, experts from different countries and with different disciplinary background are required to work together. The conferences on Debris Flows: Disasters, Risks, Forecast, Protection are among these forms of the international cooperation. This conference in China is the 7th, it continues a series of conferences held in Pyatigorsk (2008), Moscow (2012), Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (2014), Irkutsk and Arshan (2016), Tbilisi (2018), and Dushanbe and Khorog (2020; due to pandemic held in a reduced correspondence format).

The Debris Flow Association, the Asian Network of Debris Flow, and the Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment Chinese Academy of Sciences invite you and your colleagues to participate in the 7th International Conference on Debris Flows: Disasters, Risk, Forecast, Protection which will be held in Chengdu, China during September 23-27, 2024.


The conference aims to explore the mechanism and prevention strategies of debris flow disasters under global climate change, and improve the theoretical and technical level of disaster prevention and mitigation.

Important Dates