Debris Flow Association

Селевая ассоциация

Oral Presentations

Presentation timeSep. 23-Sep. 25, 2024
File extension.ppt (English) 
Aspect ratio16:9
How the session will go1) Please arrive in the session room at least 15 minutes before the session.
2) Please send your presentation slides (PPT) in advance to
3) Present at the assigned time. 
Remarks1) To keep the sessions running to the set schedule and allow possible questions from the audience, it is very important to keep presentation within the assigned time.
2) Any standard fonts provided by MS Office may be used. If not, please attach the font file(s) with the presentation file.
3) Please check your presentation file in advance of your presentation to ensure your file works properly.
4) If your presentation file contains animations or movies, please check over technical matters 3 hours prior to your session.

Poster Presentations

Poster Posting Time:Sep. 22, 15:00-18:00
Poster Display Time:Sep. 23, 09:00-18:00
Sep. 24, 09:00-18:00
Sep. 25, 09:00-12:00
Poster Removal Time:Sep. 25, 12:00-18:00


1) The poster board surface area is 1.2 m high by 0.9 m wide.
2) We do not specify the poster format, but each poster should include the paper title, authors and affiliation, and they must fit within the space.
3) Ensure text and illustrations are bold and large enough to be read from a distance of three to four feet(1M).
4) Please print the poster and bring it to the venue. According to the time and location of the poster display in the conference program, it should be posted at least 1 hour in advance.

Application Form and Abstract Guidelines

The application form includes information about the participant, the organization, the type of participation, as well as contact details.

Fill in the application form (registration for the conference is closed)

If you are unable to fill in the electronic application form, please use the template and send it via e-mail.
Participants planning to make presentations submit abstracts in electronic form.

Send Abstract (abstract submission period has ended)

If you are unable to fill in an electronic abstract form, please use the template and send it via e-mail.

At the beginning of the abstracts the following information are given: title, last names and initials for all authors, organizations (for all authors) and e-mail address (for corresponding author). Then the text of the abstract is given. The length of the text shouldn’t exceed 250 words. Abstracts will not be published.

Publication of the Conference Proceedings

We accept original, previously unpublished articles. The articles should contain no more than 30,000 characters with spaces. Articles should correspond to the conference topics. The conference will organize a special issue in Journal of Mountain Science, a high-impact international academic journal in English. Some of the submitted articles will be published on the journal after peer reviews. The text should be divided into sections: introduction, brief review of the problem, methods, data, analysis, conclusions, acknowledgements, and references. Do not number the pages. Page size – A4; MS Word text editor, single-spaced. At the beginning of the article, the following information is given (each item from a new line):

Title (Times New Roman, 14 pt, black)

Authors (initials and surnames) (Times New Roman, 11 pt, black)

Organization, City, Country, e-mail (for corresponding author) (Times New Roman, 10 pt, italic)

Abstract: (no more than 250 words) (Times New Roman, 10 pt, black)

Key words: (Times New Roman, 10 pt, italic, black)

First level heading (Times New Roman, 11 pt, black)

Second level heading (Times New Roman, 11 pt, black, italic)

The font of main text is the Times New Roman, 11 pt, black.

Fig. 1. The font of figure and table captions is the Times New Roman, 10 pt, black.

Figures (graphs, photo) should be placed in the text of the article. The quality of the figures should be high. Figures (Fig. 1) can be both black-and-white and colored. All figures captions and labels should be in place. The thickness of the lines shall be at least 0.15 mm. The size of the text on the figure must correspond to the figure. Figures should be easily readable. In the electronic version of the proceedings, the figures will be published in colour format, while in the printed version they will be published in black and white.

Tables (Table 1) should be placed in the body of the article. Table number and title should be placed above the table.

The equations created in the Microsoft Equation editor should be numbered. Reference to an equation number is given in the text in parentheses.

The letter designations and abbreviations used in the article should be deciphered at the first mention in the text or expressions to the formulas.

Units of measure are specified in the International System of Units.

In the text, references to cited publications shall be given in square brackets, indicating the name of the first author and the year of publication [Yablokov, 2009; Schroder et al., 2010].

A list of references should be given in the end of the article and compiled in the alphabetical order.

The file name consists of the surname and initials of the first author and should be typed in Latin letters, e.g., ivanov_a_b.doc.

All articles should be submitted for approval to the Organizing Committee.

Please send your articles to the address: or

Deadline for submission is April 1, 2024.

Authors will be notified about acceptance. We plan to prepare the volume of proceedings before the opening of the conference.