5th International ConferenceDebris Flows: disasters, risk, forecast, protectionTbilisi, Georgia, 1-5 October 2018 |
Registration fee
Registration fee is 100 US dollars. Fee for students and post-graduate students is 50 US dollars. Registration fee includes expenses for publication of conference Proceedings, publication of the conference program and other information materials, participation in gala dinner, organization of the coffee-breaks during the conference, translation services, and other expenses.
Fee for the participation in the field workshop is 60 US dollars.
Bank details:
Seller: Ecocenter for Environmental Protection
Identification Code: 406024528
Address: 60-b, Chavchavadze ave. 0179, Tbilisi, Georgia
Service Bank: JSC “TBC Bank”
Account Number: GE95 TB60 7553 6180 1000 05
Bank Code: TBCBGE22
Purpose of payment: Participation in seminar, excursion fee for participant (first name, last name)
You can combine payments for several participants in one bank transfer. In this case, please indicate the first names and last names of all participants in the purpose of payment.
After the transfer, please inform us about the payment, and send a copy of the payment document to debrisflow.sel@gmail.com. This will help to identify your payment and to confirm it.
The deadline for sending payments is no later than September 1, 2018. The Organizing Committee strongly recommends to send the payment in advance.