Aims of the Debris Flow Association
– creation of the professional community of experts in debris flows;
– inter-departmental co-ordination of measures for protection against debris flows and of debris flow research;
– strengthening links between experts in Russia and other countries;
– organisation of conferences, congresses, workshops, symposiums and other meetings, as well as contests and tenders;
– fostering research of debris flows and other natural hazards, development of protection and mitigation measures;
– organisation of debris flow expeditions, monitoring of debris flows and other hazards;
– development of forecast methods for debris flows, geological, hydrometeorological and other natural hazards;
– writing manuals for debris flow research and monitoring;
– expert appraisal of development programmes and projects in view of debris flow danger/natural hazards danger for population and infrastructure;
– assistance with the specialist debris flow education;
– publication and promotion of the scientific results and inventions;
– information and publishing services aimed at the lowering the risk of disasters, at mitigation of debris flows and other natural hazards, and at the protection of population.